Bruce Gordon Reid

Born July 17, 1966. Passed away February 19, 2022.

It is with the deepest sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Bruce Gordon Reid,

partner to Christine, Father of  Jeffrey, Lesley, Max, Bruce and Teegan

His funeral  service to be held Quambone Church on Friday 4th March 2022, at 11 am.

Followed by interment at Quambone Cemetery.


Funeral Notice

Service: Friday March 4, 2022

It is with the deepest sorrow that we inform you of the passing of Bruce Gordon Reid,

partner to Christine, Father of  Jeffrey, Lesley, Max, Bruce and Teegan

His funeral  service to be held Quambone Church on Friday 4th March 2022, at 11 am.

Followed by interment at Quambone Cemetery.

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